Ravenna Balloon A-Fair Parade

Calling ALL Lions…
Are you ready to have some FUN!!
The Ravenna Lions are having a LARGE float in the upcoming Balloon A-Fair Parade…
But with our small size club- we’re split into running our booth, having the float and judging parade floats…we don’t have anyone to ride on our float.
Soooooooo can you spare an hour to come out and join us on our Lions float?
This would be a collaboration of Lions Helping Lions!
When: Sat. 9-18-21
Time 8:30am…parade starts at 9am
Location: Giant Eagle parking lot
909 E. Main St- Ravenna
Your Family, Kids, Grandkids are welcome to come out…wear your Lions gear!
Questions or to sign up…call/text Lion Jill Reitz

August out and about

The Newsletter just posted.

Many things to see and do like:

Rootstown Lions Club Sip-N-Paint as well as a Chili cook-off in October.

The JDRF walk will be here soon.  Hosted at Camp Ho Mita Kota, where you can see the camp first hand!

2021 Delegate Ballot Voting & Election Certification Committee Final Report

To: District Governor Carol Snyder

DATE: May 11, 2021

From: District 13-OH4 Delegate, Ballot and Election Certification Committee
PDG Jim Ferritto, Cabinet Secretary – Credentials and Ballot Certification Committee
PDG Michael Tyler, Club Membership and Ballot Certification Committee
PDG Chuck Allcorn, District Parliamentarian and Ballot Certification Committee

Subj: District 13 OH4 Final Ballot count

Dear District Governor Lion Carol,

The Delegate and Ballot Voting Certification Committee communicated various times via electronic format and gained results of the recent District Election for the positions of District Governor, Ohio Lions Finance and Planning Representative, and Ohio Lions State Building Trustee. Out of a total of 88 delegates that were certified to vote; the committee tabulated 25 votes from Club Delegates and 9 At Large Delegate votes to calculate a 34 total delegate votes. The votes for all three positions were unanimous.

The Delegate & Ballot Certification Committee would like to congratulate:
District Governor Elect – Lion Judy Young
Lion PDG Tony DeLuke as Ohio Lions Finance and Planning – Representative
Lion PDG Tom Zickefoose as Ohio Lions State Building – Trustee

As District Governor, you asked District Parliamentarian to oversee the election process and approved the recommended/appointed Delegate and Ballot Certification Committee consisting of PCC/Parliamentarian Chuck Allcorn, PDG/CS Jim Ferritto, and PDG Michael Tyler. The process of collecting votes was no different this year as compared to last year. The lack of “in person” convention (still) made it difficult. However, the Committee certifies these 34 total votes to be accurate and true. If anyone wishes to contest these votes they may do so under LCI’s Constitution and Bylaw; StandardForm. Please contact the committee members.

So all are aware: our open positions for Vice Governors will now be govern by the Board Policy Manual of Chapter VII Constitution and By-Laws, Exhibit A (LA-4) Standard District Constitution and By-Laws, By-Laws Article II Section 6. This will include the new (suggestive) basic requirements

On behalf of the committee; serving in Lionism

PDG Charles “Chuck” Allcorn
Ohio Lions District 13 – OH4, Parliamentarian

It is a Celebration!


Governor Carol Snyder’s 2020-2021 District OH4 Celebration
When: July 10, 2021
Registration Time: 9:00-9:45AM
Celebration Event Time: 10a.m.– 7:30p.m.
Location: Deerfield Friends Church
1261 SR-14 Deerfield, OH 44411

*In honor of the Governor’s project, please bring new books to be donated to the Children’s Hospital

Registration Cost: $25.00 for each Lion/Guest.
Leos are invited to join us from 11:00-1:00 for lunch at no cost and work on a joint Lion/Leo Service Project.

Price includes: Lunch, Dinner, Beverages, along with a day of Service, Recognition, Learning, Fun and Fellowship!

Dress Code: Lions casual – It’s summertime after all!

Registration due by June 26, 2021

Send checks and registration to:
PDG Ron Clifton
302 Ewing Road
Youngstown, OH 44512



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