PDG Carol Snyder
Lion Carol Snyder has been a Lion since October of 2002.
Lion Carol was a Zone Chair, Extension Chair, and 1st and 2nd Vice District Governor. She was District Leo Chair from 2012-2019 where she led forums at Spring Conferences and District Conventions. She was elected First Vice-Governor at the 2019 District Convention and District Governor by “special online voting” due to 2020 Convention cancellation.
She has attended nearly all our district conventions since she became a Lion, plus conventions of other districts, multiple state conventions, one USA-Canada Forum, and two international conventions. She participated in seven winter retreats.
Carol completed Bachelor’s Level of Lions University, plus all three Levels of the MD13 Regional Lions Leadership Institute, in 2015-2018. She is a Guiding Lion, a Melvin Jones Fellow (2007) and a recipient of a Betty Coffee Fellowship (2009). She received a Knight of the Blind award in 2015, and a New Voices Leadership Award in 2018-2019.
Lion Carol is a graduate of Warren G. Harding High School. She has a Bachelor’s Degree from Heidelberg College and a Master’s Degree from Ashland University. She is now retired after teaching students for 30+ years, in English, Math, and Special Education.
Lion Carol is married to PDG Jeff Snyder; they have two daughters and four wonderful grandchildren. She enjoys singing and playing music and together with Jeff has often entertained at local community events, church services, and Lions conventions and retreats. She is an active member of Magnolia United Methodist Church, where she sings in the choir, plays bells, leads a women’s Bible study, and works with the community youth and Prayer Shawl makers.