Global Membership Team District Coordinator – The district GMT coordinator must possess the abilities and skills to identify, expand and present membership, new club development, club success and member satisfaction programs that meet the needs of their district
Global Leadership Team District Coordinator – The district GLT Coordinator must possess the ability and skills to identify, expand and present leadership development programs that meet the needs of their district.
Global Service Team District Coordinator – The district GST coordinator will ensure effective communication and collaboration among Global Action Team members and support the development and implementation of service projects that align with LCI’s mission and create a sense of belonging to Lions and Leos.
Centennial Celebration
Constitution & Bylaws – The purpose of this committee shall be to study, analyze and interpret constructively the Constitution and By-Laws and Policy Manual of Multiple District 13 – Ohio Lions, Inc., in a continuous and timely manner to maintain pace with changing conditions and circumstances.
Finance & Planning – To facilitate the long term planning of Multiple District 13 and the Ohio Lions through cooperative efforts on behalf of the Council of Governors in the areas of financial management and strategic planning.
International Convention – Prepare plans and make provisions for necessary activities at the annual International Convention for the Ohio Delegation.
International Relations – To develop and provide guidelines for implementing continued growth of International Relations programs throughout Multiple District 13.
Lions Club International Foundation
Marketing & Communications – To enhance the image of Lionism throughout Ohio by effectively communicating the activities and successes of the Ohio Lions Clubs to all Ohio Lions and increase the awareness about the mission and purposes of Lionism to Ohio citizens.
Ohio Lions Band – The purpose of this committee shall be to recruit and develop a youth band whose activities shall serve both to promote Ohio Lionism and to provide selected Ohio youths with a broadcasting musical and
cultural experience at the International Convention and/or other functions.
Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation
Ohio Lions Foundation
Sight, Hearing & Pilot Dogs
State Building Board Trustee
Youth – To serve in the promotion, administration and coordination of all Ohio Lions sponsored youth activities. Specifically, the Youth Committee duties shall be to serve as an advisory body in the promotion and coordination of Lions sponsored prevention and education on Drug Awareness Programs throughout Multiple District 13, and to promote and coordinate foreign youth exchanges, the International Peace Poster Contest, and other youth related projects or programs such as Leo’s, Youth Camps, Good Program, or others which may arise.